Just in a sudden, I felt like saying so much about the friends that I have in my life. My friends are very exceptional and a great asset to my lives. They share with me the good and the bad through life and give me a boost when needed.They were a group of peoples that I can't leave behind.
They are my friends who understand and someone I can trust..
They are someone who will listen to me both night and day without ever making a fuss..
Friends that will stand by my side when I am right and sometimes when I am wrong..
They will hold me up when I am weak and provide support to make me strong..
A friend's love is unconditional and unique in every way..
And when I have problems a true friend will kneel with me and pray..
A friend will stand by my side through thick and thin..
A friend once said to me that a friend is sent from God above and I believe this to be true..
Because God has sent a friend to me and that friend to me is YOU all.
My life won't be that colorful without the present of you all..
SO, I would like to present up all my FRIENDS that I have with me all this while through thick and thin; the friends which I can't miss out; the friends that I treasure the most in my LIFE...
First, would be my all time favourite friends since primary until NOW..Never fail to be together even once in awhile we do have some argumentative but sooner or later I believe it will be diminished...

Those were the days, those were the memories..Looking back through the years, I can't believe how long we have been best friends through good times and bad times...
Then, it will be my 16 years friends since kindergarten until now. Never fail to be apart even tough we seldom meet each other but we will still be friends forever....

You will never know how true is it, but when you know that no matter what happens or goes down on the road that there will always be best friends...
Thirdly, it will be my sixth form school-mates which now I am entire click with them. They were there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on the most...Thanks a million to them...

Our friendship is an ocean, stretching far and wide never ending; filled with memories that last a lifetime..
all the laughs, the smiles, the hugs, the inside jokes, the hours online just because you were the family GOD gave to me...
Next, it will be my new friend found...all my Uni mates. Even tough the time I knew them was not long but I do cherish the moment with them as we did have a fun time together...

A dozen of roses I give to you my friends, a gift that seems so small, but that represent so much our friendship most of all...
Last but not least, it will be my friend that I cherished the most...Melissa...

We met in high school
Now we will be coolForever!!!
We been thru our ups and down
But every time we hit the ground
We got back up
Not giving a WAT
Not what people say?
About our strut
How we walk
With our heads up
And standing tall
It's hard for us to stay strong,
Were we think we belong
But we know
Even with them
We think of each other
And that all that matters
And we don't care about all that chatter
But they know not to step to us
Knowing that we won’t ever cuss
We won’t get mad
Cause that aint us
All we do is brush
Them off with the dust
Off our shoulders
Cause aint no one colder
Them us we cool
So cool so clever
With bending the rules
And we will be friendsFOREVER~~
So, that's are the people in my life beside my family...
A true friend is someone you can be yourself around, and never have to try and put on an act, they are someone you share your deepest secrets with, laugh together at lifes treasured moments. Sometimes we laugh together for absolutely no reason at all.
This person knows everything about you and still loves you just the same!
You know you are truly blessed to find a friend this special at least once in your lifetime. Treasure all that you've been blessed with, a rare kind of friendship comes once in a lifetime.
I thank the God daily for the rare gift of your friendship and the blessing bestowed to share such a gift.
My only hope is to someday be the kind of friend you've always been to me! A true forever kind of friend!!
* there is something very long with this blog post as that thing automatically making my blog post looks so ugly because of the BIG space....sorry for the circumstances, as I do not wish it to be like this *