Tomorrow I will be heading back to Serdang and then Tuesday morning I will take the 10 plus flight to Kota Kinabalu already. KK here I come~~ Thinking of that it gives me mixed feelings actually. Firstly, thinking of 3 girls going adventure with just backpacking it just give me feelings of anxiety, happy and at the same time adventurous. Definitely it is the time, the week I really relax and let myself just go with the flow of lighten up my life...
Flashing back my mind to 2 months back, my life was so hectic. Everyday was a busy working day for me. It was not a normal internship. It was an internship fills up with ups and downs of my life and now it shall be a memory for me. Even though now I have finished doing my internship, I will still continue to work on as part timer just to earn extra income. Throughout my 2 months of internship, I have learned many things, explore to many different types of things as well as people and things that I will face in the future. I am now dare to say, I am ready to face the world with a better enhancement. A good memory back there with my crazy boss whom will go insane in any moment. I will miss her, damn~~~
I will also miss my times will all my others part-timers people @ colleague...I miss the time having supper with them after work and gossiping till late night about 4-5am each time as it were our own business. I will miss them super a lot. Miss watching movie with them, drinking tea and having lots of fun with them. I will definitley miss you all. But not too worry, I will be back every week so our times is still there..hahaha...And now I can say that I am used to the life of working till late night and waking up early in the morning to continue to work again. Work like a bull and enjoy it too.
When I do not have break, I will mumble to myself and hope that I was given a break. And now I am having a little break where Uni semester start and I can guarantee that I will miss the life of working back then. Guess this is norm of life and we people will never be satisfy with what we have. When in uni, I have uni's trouble and infinite problem that due with assignment, projects, human there and lots more....and by then, I guess I will really miss my working life. Even though, working life stress me up like hell but I seriously taking it as a growing or life norm. It is something that we have to face.
Well, I am now taking few days off before I come back for the starting of my new semester and also coming event in Infineon Technology for their gala night and service award ceremony. Guess it will be a long planning event to go over...
Quote of the day~~~