Deng Deng Deng.... *music play* The moment you opened the red packet only, you will burst out laughing.
20 RUPEES...

I really go into speechless mode when I saw it. The first action that we did was quickly go into online currency converter and see how much it cost. To my surprised, it was only RM1.26. *bang to the wall and smash forehead* hahah..
And a little conversation between me and my boss will make you even irritate..
Boss: Eh, how much I give you arh?
Me: 20 rupees, boss..
Boss: Then had you counted, how much was it?
Me: Is only RM 1.26 only..
Boss: Wah, I give you so much arh... *turn and walkaway*
Me: Boss, can't even eat a plate of mee la..
Boss: Aiyah, you never know my hardship. I purposely go all the money changer counter to make it small change and not all money changer got small change.
Do not even wanna to answer him after that...
Just look on how cranky and wacky my boss can be. But is the heart that really count and not the amount of money.
Hereby, I am taking this opportunity to wish all Hindus a Happy Deepavali...