Since when I was small till now I have a very deep hunch about this supernatural occurrence and extraordinary fruit that have many uses. So as I grew elder, this word has been in my mind and has been part of my conversation each time I talk or reprimand some one out there. Hence, many of my friends have been used to the way I go along with this words…haha…and some of them would just ask me, why u so like the word COCONUT? Let me tell you why, because…and because…I also do not know the reason why. Just like to use and mention it.
Why I cite coconut have many uses? One of the uses which for me are kind of useful when uses to attack some bad people that we often met in this century nowadays. If anyone tries to counter attack you, you can always grab a COCONUT and throw at that person head. I believe that person will feel dizzy for a moment and that is the time when you take the opportunity to run away as fast as you could. Unless, that person head is made from metal…if so, no matter you take 100 or 1000 of coconut to throw at him also no point at all. Before that person gets dizziness, I believe all your coconut has been smashed into pieces already. Not only have to depend on people’s head but I think the most important factor is will there be any coconut for you to throw when any bad things occur? Convince me too, how many people will actually brought a coconut out when they went for an outing or even for a short walk? I doubt that any people will do so not even ME! I rather bring something small and light such as pepper spray, pen knife or blade rather than bringing a BIG and HEAVY coconut which not only hard to carry and bring along but will also be attention grabbing for almost every people that look at you. The first questions that will perplex in people’s mind are is that person CRAZY? If I was the one thinking I will definitely say YES, he is crazy!
Apart from this balderdash idea, COCONUT too has the most impressive uses such as coconut is a natural food and refreshment package. Most people know coconuts primarily in the sweetened, shredded form they've had in such desserts as coconut cake or coconut macaroons, or as sweetened milk for making pina coladas. Neither is a fair representation of what fresh coconuts really are like and the many different ways they can be used in cooking. In tropical Asia, coconuts are eaten in different stages of ripeness. When they are young and green, the clear juice inside some varieties is sweet and refreshing, sometimes naturally fragrant with a subtle hint of flowers. Not only is it a good thirst quencher, the juice is also good for reducing heat in the body. On hot days in the tropics when you feel sluggish and overheated, drink lots of young coconut juice. It will revive you and replenish your energies. In folk medicine, the fresh juice of young coconuts is also recommended for reducing fevers and relieving headaches, stomach upsets, diarrhea and dysentery, for strengthening the heart and for restoring energy to weakened bodies recovering from illness. It is believed that expectant mothers who regularly drink young coconut juice will help the fetus grow stronger and with greater vitality. So after a tiring day under the sun, consider drinking young coconut juice and I believe it will give you a sense of liberate after a split second.
Subsequent to some imprudent thoughts by me, coconut does produce some good stuff…haha…so conclusion, COCONUT can be said as heavenly fruits.
hahaha... damn funny la you really go and post the coconut.
i knew the friend you say in your post who take pictures of coconut. haha...
coconut just reminds me of you. haha...
i love coconut too.haha
nah nah nah...aren't i am right? told u coconut very mighty power until can makes u think of me..but PLEASE dun eat the coconut when u think of me..cause u might just eat me away..hahha..
got saw one of my pic is drinking coconut? hahaha
definately i saw...but i hope when u drink that time ur mind doesn't think of me..or else i would already inn your stomach perhaps already digested out...hahaha...
digested out long long longgggggg time ago. kaka
aiyah...coconut u arh...can say digested some more...nah, is ok..if while u drink tat time i wasn't on ur mind..hahah...
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