The suspicion of sometimes being care and spoiled by someone is really nice too..haha..this is something that I was unaware at all until today...haha..
OK, come my wish. Before my friend left for Berlin, Germany for a holiday he asked me what I want as a souvenir. I did not ask for any expensive stuff nor I ask for any special stuff but I just ask for a simple and cheap stuff which is STORY BOOKS! He was like what?? Go there and get for you story books instead of buying you something special and I goes, YES, story books...because Malaysia story books is expensive compared story books that sold over there...the prices over here is like thrice the price. So when he came back last Friday, the first thing that goes to my mind was do you have any books for me and once I heard yes I was indeed very happy already. Even a small thing can make me very happy already. Besides story books, he also bought back many nice snacks and nice stuff. Ergo you see, one simple thing can make me in seven wonders of heaven already..credits to yang again...

This is all the books that he got back and it costs less than RM100..what a cheap one! I got so happy when I saw all this books that I got hold of it and take a picture as remembrance. You might say me crazy I know..but no choice, I am just being too uphoric..haha..All the books belong to me except the FREAKONOMICS book, that definitely not mine..haha..
But way to surprise me was I got caught hold on one book..haha..that book was actually very nice. It say about a dog, called Lassie. Dog lovers will absolutely love this book. I remembered the last time I see this show was when I was a small girl then I got attracted by the show but no longer showing already. So now can get the story book also counted as good already...haha..

Now you can imagine how old is this book through the front cover. Hence, all this books will be with me day and night until I finish reading all of it but it gonna take some times because I am way too busy for the books right now. Will find some time for it due to the excessive happiness on me..haha..Just say me crazy, and I have to admit it...
The others snacks and souvenir all, not going to say about it cause it doesn't caught an eye on me..So that's it for now...
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