First, it always be my room-mate who has been with me all this while during the time when I was in university. We basically have many things in common. And we also study the same course and we basically will attend class together always..cause our classes are all the same. Aren't that a good thing? At least I have companion all the time...haha..
Then, I got to hold on with my close course mate as in we went to class, eat and basically do almost everything together. There is one thing which I salute them the most which was the way they converse their mandarin. All I can say is they are power packed...haha...They can slang well in it and you will think that they actually came from China but the fact was they came from Pontian, Johor, Malaysia...haha..

Clock wise from left upwards: Pei Sien, Wai Khei, me and Siew Tong..
Lately, I got to hold on to a few more funky and crazy friends. Both of them stay right opposite my room..and with them around you will never fail to laugh out your lungs. As we stay in 4th floor which is occupy mostly by the Chinese, so always create havoc with our loud voice and laughter...hahaha...we can actually talk to each other by just shouting from the other end of the block to the other side of the block. BUT all this only happened, when we got too much time. If time constraint, you would not hear a single sound from us...

Me and Fong Yi...
Sook Lei and I...(ignore the 2 teddy, it does not belong to me..just hold for the fun of it)..haha..
hey.. dye you hair hah... haha
nice to see you having fun in your current life now...
enjoy U life...
erhm.....the dying is like half a year ago...very long adi le..not recently one le...
i did not have fun in uni la..only have fun with my few friends only..THAT'S ALL!
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