Finally I am back home after 3 weeks at my uni there being inside the bird cage. It was not fun at all when my lilfe was there. I really felt like dying inside there because of the activities that was going on over there. BUT luckily, thanks comes to an end already. But I aren't sure when is the next activity that will be going to be pop up. Those activities will never have a full stop one. It continues one after another. Wonder here when is the end of it...can some one tell me??
Before I mention more about my "Family Day", I would like to say more or less about "Malam Bersama Pengetua". The night of it wasn't a great one but just a normal celebration to welcome our new principal of College 2. We were urged to wear purple color formal attire as the night theme was purple. So all of us dress up ourselves in purple color baju kurung and the whole night looks so purplish to me as the hall of it also they decorated it with purple decorations....
Me and Cheryl..
Us with our senior, Annie..
Ladies in purple action..
So, my college just finish the major activity which is the "FAMILY DAY". Although, my family wasn't the overall winner but we enjoy the process of it. At least in certain activities we did won and we did make our self satisfy with outcome of it. For the most satisfying one was when the hard work of us being pay off in the FASHION SHOW..we won second on this event. Even it wasn't first but we are still happy. The sacrificing for this activity is too big already. We approximately have 2-3 hours of sleep everyday only...and the next big things you will realise is you are really a PANDA. This is a confirmation. I plan not to name my family members as Rhino but plan to name it as Panda because we do no need any mascot for our family...we just need to present ourselves out...hahaha...Would not elaborate so much on this activity but will let the pictures do the talking...
Showing off ourselves with our balloons and the sign of Rhino..
Us again with our family, papa..
us with our family mascott..
Proud to present our family 3D mascott..
The sign of Rhino with our College 2 Student's President..
President, Hafifi and I..
Me and Papa, Taufik..
Our choir team..
Me and sook lei..(ignore the head behind us)
Me and cheng chung @ G'Lok
Syah, Sook Lei and Me..
Us with our 3 models.... ("Designers and Models")
Me and Chee Kien..the only guy from Malacca..
Part of my Seahorse family members..
Me and my 2 "sons"
Me and Kak Liyana...the pretty malay senior of mine..
the always 4 crazy..

That all from now...sorry for some up-side-down pictures...I do not know what happen. I upload the pictures but it turns up to be like this..
u seems to enjoyed a lot leyyy with all these events n activities yet u claimed it's not nice =p
Enjoy yourself and take care ya!! =)
eh yala...dun complain so much ma...must enjoy ur uni which is ur "husband"??? the "us" ar??? leng chai weiiiiii....
oh well my mum said ur there d guys look better than my there. hahaha
Yen Yi :i enjoy it not because of the activity itself..i enjoy cause is with my crazy group of friends...well CHINESE!!..not because of those stupid activity.
Li Chis :yer..uni life where got hectic and unexplanable husband arh, doo the one i say part of my seahorse family one..the one stand beside me one..NOT the us one.the us one looks better than my husband le..haha..
Shi Yun :Surprising to hear that ur mum says the guys over my place is better than here is bad wei..maybe in pictures they look ok but true life not that OK..hahahah...
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