Then we checked in into this ROOM NO : 24742. It is a deluxe room BUT the condition wasn't that "DELUXE". Bad maintanence room.
So after put the luggage, my friends and I went around first world cinema to check on the movie but to our dismay the show and time that we want were full so we have to take the 1.30am one and we finished our show at 3.30am. It was a night long day where we spend our time to talk, enjoy rather to sleep. BUT unfortunately, our plan was not followed according to schedule due to MANY unwanted circumstances. It is true that circumstances don't allowed us to do things as we please sometimes. One of my friend was sick that she can't join us for many things and thus we have to take care of her and make sure that she is alright all the time.
Besides, there is many more unwanted things that had happened. If were to say, it was way too sad to remember how we have "enjoyed" our trip.
It really wasn't a pleasant trip of ours. It wasn't a trip that what we want. We don't even got the mood to get to outdoor theme park and play. All we do is eat, went to casino, play in the indoor theme park and before we say bye bye we went to have a game of bowling. AND sad to say, I wasn't able to play. Saying about this, I was so FRUS. I was having a seriously backbone ache. It was like killing me. So those "stunt-stunt" activities I wasn't able to do. I wasn't able to climb stairs too. The PAIN WAS REALLY KILLING ME.
This trip really give us a unmemorable event rather than a memorable one. We weren't happy at all but I think I was the one being inference a lot due to my physical and emotional unstability. I wasn't happy through out the whole trip but I just pretend I was happy. I was sad because of some reason....*toot*toot*...
Then almost 5pm today, we roll down the hill. Then reach back to UPM almost 6pm already. I quickly fasten up my pace, loaded my stuff to my car and off I drove back to Malacca. When I was driving, I could feel that many knives were poking on my backbone. I was SO painful and I really don't know what I can do. All I do was concentrate on my driving to diversify the pain and DRIVE AS FAST AS I COULD. Thanks goodness, there wasn't any speed trap nor road blocks. All the way down, my tears were non stop shedding. I don't know that was the tears of pain or the tears of sadness. I just wish that I could reach home as fast as I could to lye down and take my medicine. At that particular moment, I feel like dying especially when certain "things/matter" goes pass through my mind.
All I can say was, I was happy to be with my friends for this trip but this wasn't a trip that all of us oriented to look for. As you can see, we didn't even snap a single pictures. Those pictures were snap using my camera phone. It was low quality.

someone is old already.... got back pain already.... less of exercise already...(same like me) so how is ur back now?? feeling better... dont be sad about the trip ya. just look at the bright side of the trip, u have spent ur time with ur good friend right? it should be nice already. rest well and take care ya.
haha...at least i do enjoy myself for a short moment..u too, take care..
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