Saturday, May 15, 2010

My working place..

Saying bout my work place for industrial training will be one word COMPLICATED! Sometimes, it is fun. Sometimes it is boring and sometimes it is HELL. As what I said in previous post, working at here you must be a PKL person meaning "PAO KA LIOA"... Everything you also must know and MUST DO! But without event going on, I was like an useless person in the office becuase if my boss not in I WAS ALL ALONE and I did not know what to do. What I do was enter Facebook and watch movie. The worst was there wasn't any fix time for me to finish work. I start work everyday at 10.00 am but end without time. Sometimes early but sometimes late. It was as late as 8 plus sometimes or shall I say the earliest time I went back home everyday was 8.00pm. Ever since I started working, I getting more and more TIRED. Forgot to mention too, the place I was working is dealing with event management and organizer meaning we help organization to plan event or what so ever for their company...

Board of picture...

The place where I sit to do my work...SEE I bored until I at there wrapped story books..

My Office condition...deng deng deng..small right..hahaha...

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