I am damn sure now. My mind are clear now. No more doubtful or putting in too many personal emotions already. Is seriously more than enough.
I was suddenly awoke that I need a break on all this, all thanks to yesterday GIANT Hypermarket annual dinner at Emperor's hotel Malacca. That damn event started damn late all because of their NEVER early VIPs'. The event supposed to start at 7.30pm but then it was delayed until 8.15pm. All the tentative for that night is being delayed and upside down because whatever plan was not make through due to some of their missing VIPs'. GOD DAMN!..
Is ok to start late but then their activities is like so pack with lots of performances from their own staffs. That's makes the whole condition even worst. I can't wait for the whole event to end and it ended at about 1am. After dismantling and everything is about 2.30am already. Then I headed for my lunch, dinner and supper and upon arrival back home is already 4am. GOD knows how tired I was. I was at the place since 1pm and started to prepare. Rather to say I was being there for almost 12 hours.
When I was on my way driving back home in the wee hours of morning, many things came to my mind that moment and yet to perplexed in this. Seeing the road in 2 images, eyes are closing down and I do not know how long I can hang on for this. When I involved myself in this, I was super stress and tension regardless it was before the event or after the event. Before the event, many preparation work and in the midst of working I must be 24 hours awake because anytime things can go wrong and you need to settle it fast. THAT IS ONLY YOU HAVE A DAMN DEMANDING BOSS who will demand you to do this and that but she herself will never be bothered. She do not even give a damn on you. YOU DIE OR YOU CRAWL OR YOU SHIT also you have to make sure you settle everything for her. That makes me super crazy.
After all this havoc, I told myself this is the end and I am sure I HAD MY DECISION in my hand already. It shall come to an end by end of this month @ year. I AM DONE WITH IT AND IS OVER!
Now, I can't wait for all my holiday with my friends...Seriously can't wait for this breakfree moments and enjoy every stint of time with them. That is life precious gift and the moment I do not want to miss out.
well done penny, a good decision.
yes..finally i had make up my mind. I am so happy. Seriously HAPPY~~~
good to see you happy here
hope that you enjoy your holiday!! with friends and family!
erhm....long story. i hope to meet u in person n share with u more.
Now i had tried to enjoy with them...
I bet u enjoy urself very much during the trip and still missing it!!! hahahhaa
dear Li chia, yes....I DO.. I enjoyed and i miss the moment now each time i see back the album. Gosh, that was the memory...good ones..thanks to you all.
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