There is just something not right when I woke up today cause everyday when I woke up, I will have those super reluctant feelings to get ready to go work but today I had the urge of waking up. That's like not me and I doubt why I am feelings such feelings. Definitely it won't be the feelings that I am falling in love with my job. But what I can say is that the only thing that motivates me to be here every morning even without mission and vission will be dressing up or doll up myself well just to ensure that I do not look like those aunties as I need not have to wear the uniform of theirs. So, dressing up and looking good everyday to work is a must for me! In fact, I dress up to be at work as flower pot only. For display purposes and JUST HOPING that I might meet any good looking guys coming into my office but I willl end up in disappointment each day cause there won't be anyone except the 3 men who is already uncles which I consider and passing by my glass window everyday also UNCLES! I am working in a place which full of uncles and aunties. Making my day seems so dull..hahaha.. Where are those hot looking guys?? guess I won't meet them over my place here. It will be a NO at my work place...
Somehow, I shall stop complaning but we human just have a weakness where we tend not to appreciate what we are having now. That's HUMAN nature..I hope some one over there will actually agree with what I am saying. Anyway, it's Friday already. I always oriented for Friday to arrive as I knew weekend is just hanging on over there. But when Sunday arrive, I will be slightly moody cause is a long week of Monday arriving. But me sometimes just being positive that there will not be Friday, Saturday and Sunday if Monday do not arrive. The world is moving...So accept it with an open heart. That's what I am telling myself always even I do complaint like loads at the end of the day. And what's more this Saturday where I am meeting my long longing and still counting the years peers friends. Always wanna and oriented to meet them because when I am with them, that's the moment where I always treasure for how I know I do not need to poker with them. I can just be the true me. And despite the distance and the busy working schedule of yours, we never and we shall not say we had lost contact and all this thanks to the techno world. We are getting in touch always... That's the good deal about it.
Lastly, just wanna share with all peoples out there a nice picture of LIFE. What's the meaning of life? Whatever you want it to be.. So, live your life to the fullest. The skies will change color, the day will arrive, so we shall just live our life as we will not know what if tomorrow never comes..

P/S: I had change the background of my blog cause I found out that too many dollars notes can just made the eyes seems so least now, it seems better.
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