Weekend has always been the days I am waiting for everyweek after a long hustle and buzzle weekdays of working paranoid. You just want to have a relaxing and a wonderful weekend of all the days in the week. My weekends for this week is rather a nice ones as it was days that full with "activities". Let start of with my Saturday. As usual, Saturday has been my working day and I just hate this fact. Even though, it was a half day work but still and yet I NEED TO WORK. And I just hate my friends who do not work and there they are, being evil...texting me how nice they are sleeping and how they enjoyed their Saturday monring. *slaps forehead, stop complaining..haha..* A busy Saturday I might say as after work I need to rush back to my grandparents there, driving thru and flow for about 2 hours and the moment I am waiting for... Attending my ex school band concert. IJC Military Band Rockz at Pay Teck School Hall....This concert was a so-so concert as the audience are giving a piece of shit environment and atmosphere. However, they still put up a good performance for the audiences. Beginning of the concert was just a mess but they just got themselves back on track at the second half of the performance with all the pop rock music that goes well with their theme : Revolution of Pop Music. The songs ranging from old to michael jackson, to train - hey soul sister, country music pop star - taylor swift, pop music diva - lady gaga and few more.
What's the good deal of being an ex-member ?? We got free entry pass..Yeah! And our seat was first 3 rows with a tag given to us stated VVIP... Hoola~~

Let's sway with the music..
Young conductor..
Trumpeter solo... Spot the flautist there, I was once like her. I miss the moment.
Special band perfomance from a school band at Puchong.
And proud to present, My baby - flute... I miss it. Wish to play with it again...
Another special performance from SMK Bukit Baru. They create the rhythm using those recycled stuff. It was a great performance from them..
From left: Li Chia, Kenn Tiong, Mark and Me..
Us~~From Left: Huan Wen, Li Chia, Kenn Tiong, Mark and Me..
The gals from our batch..
The gentlemen.. I mean it. They were truly the gentlemen.
Jennifer @ My junior and me..
Another junior of mine, Ee Von..Now, I would love to present you one of the performance of the night : Lady Gaga Remix
And with all the above, I am proud to say that I am once like them too. Rekindled back those memories, I miss my schooling life and the life being one of the band member. We were like family back then and how we go crazy when we were having our band practices. That is like 5 years back.. those sweet and sour memories shall be kept.
The night just doesn't end in that way... I continue with late nite movie watching Mr. Popper's Penguins. What I can say, the penguins are cute and the rest of it please do not ask me how do I rate the movie or what exactly what was the stories are about cause I was asleep after the first 30 mins of the show..haha..and only woke up to watch the rest 45 mins of the show (I Supposed)..haha.. Well, as usual I always end up sleeping while watching a movie in cinema. I do not know why. I will just sleep. At the end of the show, my fren was teasing me saying it is just a waste to treat me for a movie. WASTAGE! Allowed me for that, I am just tired but on and off I do open my eyes..
Jim Carrey, the main actor.. he is just funny.
Those penguins.. Sometimes, I do wish when I wake up..I wake up with puppies around me or a least of having penguins..hahaha...
After movie, I went to have late nite supper until 4 am. A short nap in the cinema making me super energetic after that and that is like super early and aren't it supposed to be breakfast already..haha.. It has been a long time since I last go out for late nite outing and I am always those cinderella goody-gal (am I? asking myself too)..haha.. The last time I went out till this late was when the time I was still in my Uni life. Also, another the good old dayssss~~~
It was really a tiring Saturday but hell yeah, I do enjoy it. And when Sunday arrived, it will be non-other than sleeping till 12 pm plus due to all the so healthy midnite activities..haha.. And then spending my time eating and yacking my mouth non-stop, enjoying my time with my doggie, and not to forget; a shopping trip with my parents. Life joyment~
And when Monday arrived, welcome it with a smile thou I am still getting Monday blues up till now. Wake up and wink those teeny weeny eyes, stretch those inzy winny bones, wear that jolly winning smile and tell yourself, today is a beautiful day.
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