Buddhism teaches the existence of hungry ghosts or Petas, who are living beings born in this unfortunate plane of existence (one of the apdyas) owing to the akusala kamma they have accumulated on earth. The Chinese call these ghosts ' kwei' and believe that it is they who give an enormous amount of trouble to human beings such as making them sick, taking possession of them, haunting their houses, and so on. Those ' kwei' or evil dissatisfied spirits whose families have neglected them by not making ritualistic offerings to them or those who died suddenly and violently, become hungry ghosts, out to seek vengeance against human beings. They are called hungry ghosts because they are believed to have insatiable appetites for food. In reality, what they long for are acceptance, rest and peace, and if these are offered to them, they become placated and will not disturb human beings. For this reason, the Chinese, including those who profess the Buddhist religion, perform complex rites and rituals to transfer merits to these ' kwei' in the hope that they will be helped to be reborn in a more fortunate plane of existence. Some families claim to have received messages from their dead ancestors in their dreams intimating the miseries they are going through in the nether world and imploring for help.
So, as a family members of a strong taoism practice family all this is non-excusable for us not to attend and pray. Therefore, yesterday night we went to Hian Hong Temple and pray where they got this event to pray, to bless and to celebrate this day...

The pillar of pau..hahah..

Reciting mantra...

The foods that are being offered to "them"..
free movie showing somemore?
yeah, show to "them" to watch and at the same time, human being can watch too la..hahah..
a very good idea huh...haha
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