Happy New Year to everyone.. May you guys had a blessed year ahead with abundance of good things~
May the new year bring these wishes to all of you,
Warmth of love, comfort of home
Joy for your children,
Company and support of family n friends
A caring heart that accepts
and treats all human beings equally
Enrichment of knowledge and
Richness of diversity
Courage to seek and speak the truth
Even if it means standing alone
Hopes and dreams of a just world and desire to make it happen
A light to guide your path
Helping hands to strengthen unity
Serenity and peace within your mind,
Heart and soul
Food for thought and soul
A hand to hold
May the new year bring these wishes to all of you,
Warmth of love, comfort of home
Joy for your children,
Company and support of family n friends
A caring heart that accepts
and treats all human beings equally
Enrichment of knowledge and
Richness of diversity
Courage to seek and speak the truth
Even if it means standing alone
Hopes and dreams of a just world and desire to make it happen
A light to guide your path
Helping hands to strengthen unity
Serenity and peace within your mind,
Heart and soul
Food for thought and soul
A hand to hold
Well, all that is my wishes to each and everyone. As for me, I had just a simple wish that hopes everyday is a happy day and everyone can just forgive and forget in a brand new year. Forget the past, cherish the new.
I had a great New Year countdown and celebration party yesterday. Was at hotel about 9 plus to start preparing for the countdown and when 11.30am there are huge crowds at lobby area already. I did not expect that it will be so much of people. Then, we had the Indian people playing the traditional instruments, Malays playing the kompang and Chinese playing the drum. It should and supposed to be a 1 Malaysia cultural theme. It did attract attention of many and I think this is the first time we celebrated it in this way. 12am sharp, 1000 balloons seems scattering the whole lobby and confetti are all over the place. It was truly a fun time. Then we have this "human choo-choo train" round the hotel. Start pulling and wishing and hugging people on the way...Is like crazy ones.
It was my first time celebrating New Year in a crowd. After all the hard work in 2011, after all the hard core moment in 2011 too is time to rejoice and celebrate it in the way we want it to be. I had a few toss of drinks with my colleagues to mark the start of a brand New Year and after that we think is time for our stomach to regain back some food after all the sweatness and calories burn..haha... We head down to K5 and the night end up with eating and yakking non stop from us.
Back home with a sleepy and tiring eyes and dozed of to bed. That's how I usher in my New Year... How bout you guys?
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