As today while I am going through all my certificates from primary till Uni, I had rekindled mankinds of memories. Suddenly, is like a picture of slide show playing on. And when I looked through my exam results, I said to myself that I shall had done better. Is like word of REGRET but is there any point to regret now? There is no point of return to me anymore. I shall and have to diverge into another phrase of life. As what my uncle utter to me that, it was the sign of the maturity. The next generation of life have just started. No more students benefits. All on my own to face a whole new challenging world.
It’s amazing how so much time can go by and yet the same feelings that what had once long ago been initially obtained can still be evoked to an equivalent magnitude. I used to be awesome at goodbyes. Sure i’d be sad in the moment, but once it was over I always knew that something new would be a “hello” and the thing I just said goodbye to would be a thing in the past, a memory that I shall embrace in near future.
This time is different, and hence the reason why I won’t say goodbye. The truth is I finally care. I care about the people around me, my family and my friends, and even the place I live. I’ve come to appreciate how great my life is with these people and how I’m only happy because of them.
So finally I say “This Ain’t Goodbye”, “this is just where love goes, where words aren’t warm enough to keep away the cold”
Sure we might be leaving each other for however long it takes to see everyone again, but the love that we’ve created, the trust we have and the bond we’ve made will last forever; so: “as long as we’ve got time this Ain’t Goodbye”.
Crossed fingers and hope that each and every friends around me that graduating this year would be able to got themselves a good prospect of job. What a life we are diverging and going through the road not of luck~

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