Monday, May 16, 2011

ONE Malaysia... 1Malaysia~

Since Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak became the sixth Prime Minister, he introduced a concept of solidarity, which is One Malaysia. It is not a new concept. In fact, he states that it is the goal of national unity envisioned by past prime ministers of this nation with a different approach and method according to the current condition of the world. In the other words, he updated the concept which is brought by the previous Malaysian leaders. The Prime Minister also states that the 1 Malaysia concept is the guideline on how to achieve bangsa Malaysia, which translates into English as a “Malaysian race”.

Nowadays, certain of Malaysian citizens sort theirselves according by their races. Thus, it will lacerate the solidarity and create a gap between races. Furthermore, some of our people are only socialize with their own race and they were unlikely to be friendly to the other races. These factors are also adapted into our local economy sectors. In short,1Malaysia concept is the idea about making all malaysians of different ethnicities and religions to fully understand and respect each other's cultures, and to live together, work hand in hand and the sharing of responsibilites to achieve a better future for Malaysia in terms of socio economy and political stability.

What's the used of saying this 1 Malaysia term where not exactly more people are enjoying it. Discrimination still live on around us. Chinese's students who have obtained good result in their SPM could not have the JPA schorlarship but Malays with not a good result managed to got it. Now, when we entered to any government agencies, look upon it...stumbered your head up and you will realize OHMYGOODNESS, it was mostly 99% are Malays. The government are feeding them with all our moneys and that is where I think they come out with the concept of 1Malaysia. Worst still they even have 1Malaysia choice of chocolate malt drinks, then come out with the concept of 1Malaysia mail. Can anybody tell me what is the used of it?? I seriously do not know.

What are the government doing now is not upholding the 1Malaysia concept at all!

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