Thursday, August 12, 2010


This is a serious attitude and character problem that most people will have now. But it seems like it is getting stronger among the people that I knew. It is really sad to know that the people around us tend to be selfish to whatever things or stuff they do. They will only think of their own. For GOD saken, it is really hard to bare with people like them.

I really do not understand why some people can be fucking so selfish in everything that they do. They won't help anyone but theirselves and have no regard for anyone or anything in this world. These miserable bastards should be nucked and pissed off. They are making me felt so annoying towards their stupid character.

And then, I have come to the realization that almost every person in my life now that I met is selfish which make them sucky person. I have no expectations to those person except accept them for who they are - SELFISH.

Till then; I realize still my childhood old schoolmates were the bestf friends of mine even till now. We care for each other feelings and never failed to concern each other even we are distance away. Nothing beats the strong bond that I have with them compared to the new friends that I found.

It is really sad to know the truth when you really treat them as your friends sincerely. Perhaps, is me who has been into it too emotionally. But then, I thought we should treat each and everyone of our friends no matter we are close with them or what with the same treatment.

People......YOU PAY ME WITH THIS, AND NOW YOU ARE GETTING THE OTHER WAY ROUND TREATMENT FROM ME TOO. You did not appreaciate what has given to you, so do not blame people when people do treat you in a negative way. Well, life is VICE VERSA.

YOU only will remember people when you need help from that particular person. But when people ask from your help, you will never ever give a helping hand at all. Is really sad to know about it. You also never work as a team. You just think of yourself and your work load, the stress and pressure you are having BUT never think that others people have the same as you. So why do people need to do your part as well?

I seriously do not understand this....

Well, you force me to GIVE YOU A HELL FACE.


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