Saturday, October 4, 2008

Going back to UNI soon..

Each time when mention that I am going back to Uni only, it wasn't a post of happiness but it was a post that full up with melancholy.

So, UPM off I go...(without any choice I like it or I don't)
Back to the lonely room, thought it is quite comfy..
BUT still I can't find myself over is lonely.
What I hate the most are~~
No more fast internet connection..
No more water heater...have to boil the water.. :(
No more beauty sleep...
No more eating nice home cooked food..
No more late night outing...
No more playing with my 2 cuties...
And definitely a month of full studies,
where final will meet me just another few more weeks..IS FEW MORE WEEKS and I haven't touch a single thing!
then, I have presentation that waiting me at the doorstep,
assignment that will be waiting for me at my table to be completed...

BUT, somehow or rather..I have to stay on the track and go the distance and have some self-pampering after my final exam...haha..

my room door...
my messy table...
my notice board..

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