Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A month of work~~

Finally, I reached a month full of working days.. Is like really finally and I could not believe that I can survived for a month over here..haha.. Let's see for how long more I can survive. For I hope to survive until my 3 months of confirmation. At least there will be a good sign and *touch wood* IF I don't get confirmation by 3 months, I will just say byebye and sayonara. So long we farewell..haha..

The moment I stepped my legs on the doorstep on my office, I already start counting down the time I am finished work. Could you believe it? A worker like me need to countdown I a good worker?? I try asking myself this too..haha.. I came to work with no mission and vission. All I have was to fb, to blog, to tweet, to tumblr, to read newspaper, hear music and play games. Now you see, am I a good worker?? Proud to say, I am. Self-proclaim..haha..

What is more happy then receiving salary at the end of the month..Yeah, got money already. No need to suffer with the fact that no money making me a dull person with no entertainment, no nice food, and etc. In conclusion, no money is really SHIT~~~ I need money. I always dream of money dropping from the sky each time I walk on the street but it seems my dream never come true yet, till now..So sad..hahahah...


bluestarstsl said...

hahaha!!! congratz! already 1 month!!!!

Pey Yein @ Penny said...

Sa...hahah..finally, 1 month and I am still surviving. Hallelujah~~~ hahahaha...